What is the best way to recover from witnessing sucha tragic scene? |
Tragic Dear Dr Dictionary, When I was on my holidays, I went for a walk in the park. I had been looking forward to my holidays for a long, long time because I was going to stay in a nice hotel, and eat nice food, and play with my friend, Elaine. I was looking forward to seeing the duck, too. The duck lives in the park, with its babies. When I went to see the duck, it was very, very windy, and big bit of tree had fallen onto the ground and hit the mummy duck hard on its head and knocked it down. It was very sad. The policeman had put the mummy duck in the back of his car, and a lady from the newspaper was writing a story about what had happened. My friend Elaine was laughing a lot, and said to the lady that it was really tragic. I don't understand. I thought that tragics were bad things, but my friend Elaine was laughing when she said it. Please help. Helen, aged 25 and 3/4 |
![]() Tragic scene [click here for close up] |
If you have any poignant duck stories, please email: Me